2020 Past News


Phoenix Primary School participates in the Dairy Australia Picasso Cow project with amazing results . . .



Dairy Australia would like to thank us for participating in this year’s Picasso Cows program.  They hope that our students had fun and enjoyed their dairy discovery journey.  They have sent through their score card assessing Phoenix PS on our performance based on the judging rubric.

Overall, we did VERY well and the judges noted that the work produced by Phoenix PS was of a good quality and standard, scoring a high 42/50.

Please see attachments below for the full breakdown of the Score Card, Judge’s Notes and Certificate of Participation.

Score Card

Judge's Notes

Certificate of Participation

Connie's home will be in the vegetable garden outside B Block, so please pop by and take a look at the student's wonderful work. She really is a beauty!





During Term 3 we were treated to a great performance by music students from Lakeland Senior High School playing songs from the 80s to the present. 



Afterwards the Year 6’s had the opportunity to work with these students playing the band instruments or singing a song with them. They also had a drumming workshop with one of the teachers.


On Thursday 6 August our Principal along with two year six students attended the annual City of Cockburn Hiroshima Day Tree Planting Ceremony.  Anning Park in South Lake was chosen to receive 20 ornamental pear trees to commemorate the occassion.



“We went to the Tree Planting ceremony at Anning Park in Jandakot where we planted a tree. Afterwards we watched the doves get released and went on our way to the City of Cockburn where we had morning tea with the Mayor of Fremantle and Cockburn.  We learnt how to make paper cranes and the food there was delicious. Over all we had a fun time. - Bella and Jaedin




We are pleased to announce that the junior Nature Playground is now open!



It would not have been possible if it wasn't for some of our hardworking parents. Glen Svilicich, Gina Fisquet, Dalibor Nedic and Liz Woodberry assisted our gardener Dave to shovel, transport and spread mulch which was donated by Lakeland Senior High School. It was a massive effort and we really do appreciate it. You guys should go into business! THANKS VERY MUCH from all of us at Phoenix PS.

The students had an awesome time on Friday 15 May when the playground was officially open. They climbed, jumped and explored the space and even had time for some meditation!


ASSEMBLY 08/04/2020

Assemblies must go on!





Introducing our Phoenix Leaders for 2020!



Congratulations to the following students who have been elected as school leaders for 2020. We are confident that you will set an example at all times and display excellent leadership qualities. 



  • Jackson Gould
  • Judielle Roperos
  • Ily Acosta
  • Harvey Thackeray




House Captains


Congratulations to our House Captains and Vice Captains for 2020 who were elected by their peers.


  • Davilak Captains – Austin Gabrielson & Tatjana Ubovic 




  • Hamilton Captains – Luka Puizina & Kyra Christensen



  • Manning Captains – Palace Koia & Donnie Maningo




Eco Warriors


The Eco-Warriors have an active role in school. They raise awareness about sustainability and encourage everyone to be good at recycling and saving energy. We encourage good habits for the future as being an Eco-Warrior for our environment is an extremely important job and is one to be very proud of.


  • Zoe Hartmire
  • Rebecca Moyes
  • Vayda Twomey
  • Annabelle Holmes
  • Bella Newton (not pictured)




2020 Graduation Achievement Award Recipients


The following students were recipients of the following awards at our Graduation Assembly. Congratulations everyone!



Academic Dux Award - Ily Acosta

Academic Excellence Award - Nada Fellah

Academic Excellence Award - Zoe Hartmire

Fremantle College Enthusiasm for Learning Award - Judielle Roperos

Endeavour Award - Tatjana Ubovic

RSL Leadership Award - Donnie Maningo

Lions Club of Fremantle Award - Jackson Gould

Citizenship Award - Riverlee Underwood

City of Cockburn Graduation Award - Shenica Consolacion

City of Cockburn Graduation Award - Gabriel Pitt

Woodside Scitech Science Award - Zoe Hartmire

Woodside Scitech Science Award - Palace Koia

Sporting Achievement Award - Palace Koia

Sporting Endeavour Award - Kyra Christensen

© Phoenix PS