2021 Past News

Congratulations to the following students who were elected as school leaders in 2021. They set an example at all times and displayed excellent leadership qualities. 


  • Tomai Davis, Joshua Hobson, Ellah Ceniza and John Canas

House Captains

Congratulations to our House Captains and Vice Captains for 2021 who were elected by their peers.


  • Davilak Captains – Rylee Lester and Damien Hobson

  • Hamilton House Captains - Sienna Stella & Alex Lazarevski

  • Manning House Captains - Sofia Cyrbja & July Mantle

Eco Warriors

The Eco-Warriors have an active role in school. They raise awareness about sustainability and encourage everyone to be good at recycling and saving energy. We encourage good habits for the future as being an Eco-Warrior for our environment is an extremely important job and is one to be very proud of.


  • Ksenia Ergic, Jonathon Sain and Locklyn Connor




2021 Graduation Achievement Awards

Phoenix Primary School would like to congratulate the recipients of academic and achievement awards at the graduation ceremony held on Tuesday December 14 2021. 


Academic Dux Award

Tomairangi Davis

Academic Excellence Award

Sofia Cyrbja

Academic Excellence Award

Charlie Tran

Fremantle College Enthusiasm for Learning Award

Locklyn Connor

Endeavour Award

Damien Hobson

RSL Leadership Award

Tomairangi Davis

Lions Club of Fremantle Award

Aaliyah Morrison-Reid

Citizenship Award

Angela Lugay

City of Cockburn Graduation Award

July Mantle

Woodside Scitech Science Award

Ksenia Ergic

Woodside Scitech Science Award

Daniel Guthrie

Sporting Achievement Award

Sienna Stella

Sporting Endeavour Award

Rylee Lester


We are very proud of our award recipients.

© Phoenix PS