At Phoenix Primary School we strongly promote a Virtues Program which is embedded in our school culture. Students are recognised for exhibiting these virtues which will prepare them for the future.
Virtues Program
Each fortnight we will focus on a different virtue as a way of developing these
virtues within our students and staff. Our Principal introduces a virtue to the school community at each assembly and describes the behaviours we are striving to achieve. Students who display these virtues will be recognised at the following assembly and be awarded a virtues certificate.
Phoenix Primary School recognises that every child is unique and that every child has a special gift. At our school we believe that all children are capable of learning, given the right opportunities and environment. We believe that the early years of a child's life and schooling are critically important to their future educational success, as every day at school counts.
As our students progress through their school life we want them to experience a seamless journey of learning; one that builds on opportunities provided at each year level and where teachers collaborate to ensure student progress information is shared. We believe that teachers make the single biggest difference to the learning outcomes of our students and will therefore focus on supporting them to deliver quality learning and teaching opportunities.
Phoenix Primary School we work hard to ensure that every child, every day, feels safe and valued.
© Phoenix PS