Phoenix Primary School feels that the goals of excellence, empathy and equity, support the notion that we should be providing opportunities to develop the academic, physical, social and emotional needs of all children who attend Phoenix Primary School.
Following are the goals that Phoenix Primary School will be working towards over the life of this plan.
1. Success for all students
All students can be successful and our school works towards a more tailored and personalised approach to teaching and supporting students.
2. Focus on Intellectual Quality in Classrooms
Deep learning and deep understanding to be focused on in classrooms. Teachers make the biggest difference to student learning and we will be reflecting on what we currently do to bring about improved classroom practices and thus better opportunities for children.
3. Focus on Early Childhood Education
Supporting teachers, support staff and parents to deliver a quality program for Kindy, Pre Primary and Year 1. A program that balances free play, explicit teaching and guided play.
4. Positive student behaviour, attendance and well-being
The school will focus on creating a positive and inclusive environment for children, parents and staff. Student behaviour will be managed with preventative strategies and a strong culture of choices leading to consequences. Attendance is strong and will continue to be reinforced. By focussing on student well-being we will ensure children feel safe and happy and open to learning.
5. Australian Curriculum Implementation
A three year implementation timeline has been developed and various information sessions for parents are planned over this period.
"Teachers make the single biggest difference to student learning.”
© Phoenix PS