2024 Student Leaders

Introducing the student leaders for 2024 . . .

Congratulations to the following students who have been elected as school leaders for 2024. We are confident that you will set an example at all times and display excellent leadership qualities. 


  • From left to right:  Rosie Davidson, Ela Erkilic, Akiya Asrat and Farrah Pante'

House Captains

Congratulations to our House Captains for 2024 who were elected by their peers.

  • Davilak Captains – Matilda Harwood and Chase Want

  • Hamilton House Captains - Luca Fisquet and Luke Svilicich

  • Manning House Captains - Lucy Guthrie and Ryder Findlay

Eco Warriors

The Eco Warriors play an active role in school. They raise awareness about sustainability and encourage everyone to be good at recycling and saving energy. We encourage good habits for the future as being an Eco Warrior for our environment is an extremely important job and is one to be very proud of. Congratulations to the following students on becoming Eco Warriors for 2024..

  • Kuenchap Tshogyel, Kiara Pereira, Tamara Ubovic, Benjamin De Guzman and Emma Guthrie


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